Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I love CUNT. (Moved from old site)

Cunt, cunty cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt. If you say any word enough
times sequentially repeatedly, it will eventually flow into what
sounds like gibberish. I found this to be true with most every word. I
am sure it is true for any language as well. If one were to say the
word tennis over and over, again and again it will eventually sound
like you are repeating the word "nisten". I learned this when I was a
child and always found it very funny as most people consider language
to be the better part of communication. Most people also believe
marriage is sacred. Just serving that out there.

TENNIS. The activity of slapping ones balls at another person, forcing
them to chase after said balls, sweaty and passionate, cheeks aflutter
with crimson desire. If you succeed in hitting your partner in the
face with your balls, all the better; balls colliding with their chin,
sending sweat flying from their hot, dripping face-ticals. If you
manage to hit them in the groin with your balls, instant gratification
and elation, dropping to your knees, mouth open and eyes closed as you
turn your face to the heavens and the audience ejaculates appreciation
down upon you. (I know this is painful, but hang in there. I will get
to a point someday.)

Tennis. A game invented by ancient Egyptians, according to Google, who
brought us such great games as pyramid building, slave racing and
killing your brother. Also Geometry, an insidious concept if ever
there was one. Also Language (along with the Chinese, Mesopotamians,
Hindu, cavemen and that crazy bum who sleeps in his own shit and holds
that cardboard sign that reads "I would rather eat dog food than get a
job". In Crazy bum's defense however, in this economy, who wouldn't?)
We will tackle fratricide and indentured racery later, this is about
language. As an American I love the concept of being able to say
anything I want to no matter who grotesque and awful, or succinct and
wonderful as I want. It is a gift, and one that must be preserved...He
wrote in his terribly ubiquitous blog. (Smiley-face that!)

Now I just used over 90 words and I-don't-know-how-many letters to
describe the act of tennis. It was fallacious and suggestive, but not
inaccurate. I just "porned" up the language a bit. AND I tried, I
actually put my full ass into that to attempt to at least offend, at
most make my readers feel greasy and used, like spending the night
with a cab driver. I actually had to edit and re-read that as well in
my attempt to vitiate your fragile securities. AND I probably failed. about cunt? (If you said "Yes, please" to that, good on you.
You are my type of peoples.) 1 word, four letters and I just offended
people who won't ever read this, without even trying. Examine the
power of that for a second. I never even gave it a frame of reference.
I just put together a series of letters, that by themselves hold no
meaning at all, but what you took from it is a totally different
matter all together, and the point at hand. Cunt is no more offensive
than tennis, of itself. It is up to the recipients imagination to
grant it authority. Words by themselves have no meaning. It is the
context that gives them power. Like a car with no wheels, if you see
one you are probably in Alabama.

Cunt is a colloquialism for a human female's genital organ such as
vagina, pussy, snatch, snooch, skanooch, sconjeewee, meat curtains and
the pink, not to be confused with the stink. (I suppose it could be
used to describe an animals minge as well, but if you are the sort of
character that would bark at my lack of lecturing about dogs' cunts,
you are NOT my type of peoples...but good on you anyways.)

Its other connotation is that of a woman of questionable character and
marriageability, though I do know many of them who do get married,
usually always briefly. (BAM! In your face Jennifer!) It is for the
kind of woman that changes the minds of sane people to a line of
thinking that would not normally consider hitting another person with
a cinder block as a viable form of interaction.

Common collocations associated are dirty, miserable, awful, filthy,
fucking, lying, stupid, acrimonious (my favorite), et al. So it is an
insult, a statement meant to denigrate a persons sensibility and
feeling of self worth. A verbal attack. In that way it is much like
other insults, racist vernacular and other sticks-and-stones. It is
only powerful if you give it a reason to exist. If you hate the word
cunt so much, learn to love it and it will quit carrying its insulting
power. It will be anemic and empty. Cunt is not relegated to being of
woman alone, as men can be just as cunty as females, but men don't
identify themselves as cunts, so to call us that deflates its ability
to insult to the point of being ridiculous and humorous. That is like
telling a lesbian to go back to Mexico.

Now men don't have "cunts", so maybe that is why women, who do have
them, so easily identify that word as theirs. It is silly, because
everyone has an asshole, but that is commonly used for men alone.
Possibly, subsequently women are the only source of vagina in the
world and since the secondary meaning of cunt is that very juicy
article, they can only assume that when cunt is uttered in pleasant
conversation (Who says that in a pleasant conversation?) it is a jab
at them, as like I said, only women have V-jays. (I know there are
those of you out there that would like to bring up hermaphrodites, but
that is just hackery for shock value. It is low grade, man. Have you
ever even seen one, let alone their crotch? It is cool for the first
few seconds, but then your erection fades and you have to get an
annulment, hire a lawyer, bathe in rubbing alcohol because you
listened to your fiancee and waiting till marriage is total bullshit
and DAMN YOU, Jennifer! How could you tuck that thing so fucking

Now since men don't give the word any credence, and women always tend
to identify themselves as being the target, its potency is given life
only by them, and thus they are the ones who lend it ALL its meaning.
It is the frame of reference that enables potency, just like a frame
lends form to structure. Those who are the ones who get offended by it
are the frame builders of all insults. If you are that type of person,
I pray the irony is not lost on you. It is your word because you make
it so. You own it, you bought it, with a credit card and pay the
interest on it. Wallow in the irony. Your lack of ability to let it go
allows it to hang on. Like every other word, its context is what
offends you, and in offending you it is given context. Don't let it
effect you and it will lose its power, its virility and wither into
obscurity. I'm not saying that loving your enemy makes him your
friend, but it is a step back from all out war. Just food for thought.

I am not offended by any word, so I have no problem saying all of
this, hopefully for the betterment of someone out there. (OK, I do get
riled up at redundant words. Like "sack bag". I'm talking to you,
Trish. First off, I know you are just saying it because you know it
annoys me and your husband told you to because he knows it too.
Second, it doesn't mean anything. It is a waste of a perfectly good
chance to under cut my manhood. Whatever happened to such linguistic
staples as "cocksucker" and "your mother is a gook whore"? THOSE have
meaning, namely that I take after my mother. ((See how I got offended
and how fast this went from "sack bag" to "gook whore"? That is the
lack of rationality in being offended by words. Treated
dispassionately, logic reigns and that astronomical leap is never
made. Also the parenthesis inside parenthesis. Fuck you J.D. Salinger,
you cunt.)) )

So please, get over yourself if it bugs you so much, only those with
the stakes can kill the vampires. (I don't know, I ran out of
metaphors when I married a chick with a dick.) And be proud of who you
are and what you have. Life is too short to care about minutaie that
you can not control. Let people call you a cunt and not effect you and
you will soon realize that every person at one point or another
everyone slithered through one, and it is always all good.

As always God bless America, and God bless cunt.


  1. Just making sure I can comment on my own thing. I like my thing. I have had some good times with my thing. If having fun with my thing is a crime, I am a recidivist.

  2. Commenting on your thing. Do you feel it? My commenting, that is?

  3. Oh, I feel it alright. Thank you. I just wanted to be sure it was working. I am a strange man in a strange land.
