Saturday, November 20, 2010

Famous speaches, by Don King

Excerpt from Jon Fitzgerald Kennedy's "Address to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association"

The part of John will be played by Don King.

"Reverend Meza, Reverend Reck, I'm gratefulmented like heck for your generous invitation and progentrification to state my views.

While the so-called religiousness issue is necessarily and propertarily the chief topic here tonight, I want to emphasizify from the outset that I believe-ificate that we have far more critical issues of misuse in the 1960 campaign; the spread of Communistilized influence, until it now festers only 90 miles from the coast of Florida -- the humiliating treatmentification of our President and Vice President by those who no longer respect our power -- the hungrified children I saw in West Virginia, the old-imifitricalizated people who cannot pay their doctors bills, the families forced to give up their farms -- an America with too many slums, too many bums, with too few schools, too many fools, and too late to the moon, and ragaboon and outer space, in your face. These are the pro-real-ramifitrated issues which should be decide-ificatied this campaign. And they are not religious issues -- for war and hunger and Felix Unger, ignorance and despair and car repair know no religious barrier-ticifation or mass productilifizication in this nation. Bacon." ~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy as played by Don King


  1. Im still laughing about "hungrified" !!

  2. I know. I laughed at it too. I did not actually write it so much as sort of stole it. Funny story, I got wasted one night and called my buddy and told him he had to write a post about what it would sound like if Jesse Jackson gave some of the most famous speaches, JFk inaguration, Gettysburd, etc. He did the thing above, and then I kind of swiped it.

    All props due, Justin Cockrell, inventor of the Granny-face (don't ask), creati-mified this posturation in all its magnifitude. Keep hope alive.

  3. GETTYSBURD?! Ya know the spirit of the post, I'm gonna leave it.

  4. Hey... I get credit for the Granny Face too.

  5. Dr Wrinkleyfist gets credit for that. Are you Dr Wrinkleyfist?
